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Grants & Scholarships

Grant/Scholarship Application

Welcome to the Grant/Scholarship section!

Grants and scholarships play a crucial role in supporting participation and fostering knowledge exchange at scientific events.

When it comes to determining the criteria for grants and scholarships, several factors are considered by EuroSTEM Conference, including:

Academic Background

The applicant’s academic or professional background is evaluated to ensure that they are actively engaged in scientific fields and have a genuine interest in the event’s theme.

Financial Needs

Financial needs are taken into account, as grants and scholarships are often aimed at individuals who may not have the means to cover the costs of attendance on their own.

Impact in the Event

The potential impact of the applicant’s participation in the event is considered, such as how the knowledge and experiences gained can be applied and shared within their professional community.

Application Form

To streamline the application process for grants and scholarships, it’s essential to gather all the necessary information when submitting your application. Please review our application form and fill out the details as required.

 Required fields are marked with an *.

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Full Name
Enter you nationality or official residence location.
The organization or institution the presenter is associated with.
A concise summary of your interest to attend the conference.
A concise summary of your financial situation. Once this preliminary application is approved, we will ask to corroborate your financial need by submitting specific financial documents as proof.
Mention your contributions to scientific fields.
Mention your proposed contributions to EuroSTEM Conference.
Disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to your application.
Include the links (separated by a comma) to an uploaded document for your CV, Recommendation Letters, and Budget Plan. *Alternatively, you may send your documents by email to [email protected]
Do you have a valid Schengen visa?
Please indicate if you have a valid Schengen visa to travel to Estonia. If you select no, please consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia to learn more about the requirements at
Evaluation Criteria Acknowledgment

Once your application is approved, we will contact you for the following steps.

Thank you for your interest and we hope to meet you in Tallinn, Estonia at EuroSTEM Conference 2025!